Open-Source Cookbook

Share recipes. Learn git.

What is this?

This is - as the title suggest - an open-source cookbok that allows users to not only submit recipes, but to learn the process of git as well. By exposing new and old developers to a fresh take on both recipes and git, I'm hoping to ease people into the world of the following concepts: 

  1. git guidelines
  2. The process of pull requests
  3. Gatsby

How does this work?

Well, it works by you or others participating. You can check the How To Page to see the specfics (or the README) of how you can participate. But the simplified version is this:

  1. clone the repo and install dependencies
  2. Make a new branch according to the how to (Check HERE to see how)
  3. push the code and wait for a pull request review

Can anyone participate?

OF COURSE! This isn't just meant for new people. Even if you know git and want to play around with some recipes ideas, go for it! I wanted to make this so everyone can participate in any aspect. Either to learn, or to share! If you have a recipe you want to share, then the gates open for you to come on in!

Why though?

Why not? When I was starting out I wanted active projects that I could participate in, but often felt overwhelmed, so I'm making my own. Having people participate in a project can help create a sense of accomplishment, regardless of how big or small their involvement is or was. This will (as stated above) help teach people the following:

  1. git guidelines
  2. Thew process of pull requests
  3. Gatsby

All of which are needed in todays development world. By learning Gatsby, a person will understand React and GraphQL as well. So a participant will learn a framework and git flow easily and in a controlled environment. There's no need to gatekeep coding or Open-Source content.