Open-Source Cookbook

Share recipes. Learn git.

Why'd you make this?

Because this is something I wanted to make. When I was starting out, the barrier for Open-Source seemed incredibly high and a lot of things simply never interested me. With this, even if someone has a small amount of recipes, they can still participate in a meangingful way.

That's cool. But Why?

Why not? I can code and make whatever I want! That's what's awesome about it!

So What Now?

Start coding. Anyone can participate and it's encouraged. Just following the guide on the Howto page and you'll be good to go!

This Is Nice, But I Can Do Better.

Ok. Go for it! More people using Gatsby or creating Open-Source projects benefits all of us, not just yourself! If you have a similar but better idea, then make it! It won't be done until you do it!